2018 Missions at Immanuel
We need your help!

Concert Update November 4, 2018

This is your reminder that our church will be presenting a concert on November 4th. It will be a fundraiser for Shalom Center. It has to be small because we do not have a lot of extra room for displaying items. Suggestions: small crafts, plants, bakery in smaller portions. Be creative and check with the Concert committee or Council to see if your idea will work for the event. We will need lots of helpers that day. Please plan on being a part of this exciting day

Green Congregation

This is a movement which is a national organization with local groups that fosters
an awareness of caring for creation. Our first goal is to increase recycling, especially in public places, festivals and parks. The manager of the Kenosha Waste Department, Kier Powell has veen attending and providing needed help. There is rrom on this team for any interested people willing to participate.


Immanuel has been blessed by serving Meals that Matter and we are a blessing to all that come.  Every week we have had enough volunteers.  This is a gift from God more than good planning since we haven't been reminding people to come on their scheduled night!  Each week we are getting better as a team!  Our number of guests has been gradually increasing, especially at the end of March when we had 45-47 guests.  Between September 11, 2017 and March 26, 2018, Immanuel has served 864 meals, 820 were adults and 43 were children. On April 16th we served 52 guests.  Christ the King and Grace Lutheran have higher numbers on Tuesday and Wednesday, but they are in higher population density low income areas.  The Shalom Center, through the neighborhood Meals that Matter, has fed over 4600 meals in the first 7 months of operation.  Souper Bowl Sunday brought in an amazing $164.00  $100.00 was put into the Meals That Matter fund and the rest will go to the Shalom Center.

Mission Minute

Do you remember the flooding last summer in the Burlington and Fox River area?  Some of the homes affected are still in need of repair.  The Wisconsin Conference Volunteers in Mission sponsored a work week in the Salem area from April 15-21.  The volunteers stayed at the Salem UMC and took showers at the Salem Elementary School.  Circuit churches provided meals.  Tasks included removing and replacing drywall, painting, cleaning outside areas, and a number of other tasks that involved minor remodeling.  This is another example of UMCOR at work.


Natural disasters have been occurring frequently in recent years!  The Midwest Mission Distribution Center had bare shelves after the hurricanes last fall.  Our  help is needed to replenish the stock.  We are going to be making only Cleaning (Flood) Buckets and Personal Dignity (Hygiene) Kits for In-Gathering at Annual Conference this June.  No school bags, layettes or sewing kits were requested, but if you have individual items for these kinds of kits, they can be sent.
 It is more fun to form 2 or 3 person teams to buy items and assemble the kits, but you are welcome to work independently.  Any items on the list will be appreciated and can be added to a kit or sent independently.  Please ask Marieta for a list of needed items so you can participate and watch for good buys.  Each kit needs $1.00 for shipping, so cash is needed as well


Open House for the Homeless, January 1-- 7AM to 7PM!
Thank you to all who gave time, prayers, money and food to make the open house possible for those that have nowhere else to find shelter, warmth and fellowship on the holidays.


Jesus tells us that when we provide food, water, housing, clothing and medical care for strangers, we do it for him. He also said that those who visit others in prison care for him (Matthew 25).

The listing is not a multiple-choice selection. God asks – no, expects – us to engage in all of these ministries.

Jesus warns, “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.”

If we cannot engage in these ministries ourselves, we can provide financial support for those who can.

The offering, received on January 14th, the Sunday before the birthday celebration of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., restores relationships through ministries like Youth Offender Rehabilitation, Community Developers self-improvement programs and United Methodist Voluntary Services community- advocacy projects.

Please give generously. Through Human Relations Day, we help to fulfill Jesus’ commandments.

Marieta for Missions
